Meet Truly Together Physician Assistant Ladise Everett
This post is part of a blog series highlighting Northwell Health’s Advanced Clinical Providers (ACP). Each Northwell Health employee was nominated by their manager as an individual who exemplifies a Northwell Health value.
This month, we’re proud to introduce to you Ladise Everett who currently works as a physician assistant in the Department of Medicine at North Shore University Hospital (NSUH). Read below to learn more about her and her journey as an ACP at Northwell Health.
When Ladise was younger, she always dreamt of working as a caregiver, and when she got to college she realized that a career as a physician assistant was her true calling. Her desire for work/life balance and a family played a huge role in leading her to a career at Northwell at NSUH, where she has worked since 2005 as a physician assistant (PA).
While working within the Department of Medicine, Ladise spends a lot of her time providing care to admitted patients in the Emergency Department (ED). “I feel that I have an amazing job in the ED as a PA because you have the ability to help impact immediate positive change for patients and change outcomes,” says Ladise.
During her time at Northwell, she also has taken on many large projects which has showcased her approach to leadership. Others describe Ladise as a leader who always recognizes every team member on each project, large or small, with a smile and a heart to help. They know her infectious and positive attitude is just one of the many reasons why her team loves to work with her. It was this positivity, along with her dedication to care, that led Ladise to win PA of the Year at NSUH’s 3rd Annual North Star Gala this year.
And her team is with her every step of the way as they togetherness extends beyond patient care to include picnics, holiday parties, fundraising and more. “Our team really supports one another and we have created a family-like environment,” says Ladise. “That is hands down why I would work here as a PA.”
Ladise doesn’t just impact her team with positivity, she also impacts the next generation of healthcare leaders. When she isn’t providing direct patient care, she is working as a preceptor mentoring newly hired physician assistants and nurse practitioners. Ladise says, “by being a role model, you can give back to not only the individual but to future patients by developing that high standard of care.”
If you’re Made for working with a team of exceptional ACPs, explore our opportunities here.
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