My experience in the HMP internship that led to a full-time job after college graduation
Written by: Megan McKenna, Georgetown University, Healthcare Management Program Summer Associate 19′
When I went off to college, I thought I knew exactly what I wanted to be. I was going to be a doctor. However, I quickly realized that it wasn’t for me, so I pursued other interests in government and American studies. When it came time to start looking for a job the summer after my sophomore year, I took one with a home healthcare company, never expecting for it to start me down a path of healthcare administration. I found that I really enjoyed working with clinicians in a collaborative space to solve problems and help patients. I wanted to learn more about what it would mean to have a non-clinical career in healthcare, so I applied to the Healthcare Management Program (HMP) Internship at Northwell Health. I was ecstatic when I got the call that I had been offered a position as an HMP 2019 summer associate.
This past summer, I had the incredible opportunity to work at Phelps Hospital in Sleepy Hollow, NY. When I arrived for my first day, I didn’t know what to expect. I was excited and a little bit nervous – I didn’t know the first thing about hospital administration. When I found out that I would be working in the Emergency Department, I was really excited to be in a fast-paced and dynamic department that plays such a critical role in the hospital and the community.
During my time at Phelps, I had the opportunity to develop skills in project management, data analytics and learn about hospital operations. I was able to build relationships with clinicians and administrators who were really generous with their time and were invested in helping me learn and grow. Everyone was very welcoming and quickly I felt like I was a valued member of the team. Through my projects, I saw firsthand the complexities of hospital operations and the inspiring collaborative work that is essential not only to keep hospitals running, but also to power the entire health system.
Coming into this program, I wanted to be able to explore my interest in healthcare administration because it is not something that I study in school, but I was able to accomplish so much more than that. Not only has this program has allowed me to solidify my interest in healthcare and see the immense opportunity that there is in this field, but I was able to meet inspiring leaders, learn from my peers, and take on new challenges.
Megan has been offered and accepted a full-time position in the Management Associate Program as an Associate at Lenox Hill Hospital once she graduates from Georgetown University in May.
Submit your resume to become a Summer Associate in the 2020 Healthcare Management Program Internship.
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