Northwell Ventures Presents: Arterys uses Truly Innovative technology to harness AI
In healthcare, time is of the essence. That’s why we’re so excited about Northwell Ventures’ investment in Arterys, a leader in the transition to cloud infrastructure in medical imaging that’s helping our physicians treat patients without wasting valuable time.
Arterys facilitates the global advancement of medicine through data, artificial intelligence, and technology. Since a significant portion of the world’s medical data is medical images, Arterys tackles several issues in the medical data space including the enormous workloads radiologists face, the lack of accuracy in many current tools, and the need for increased consistency across practices. Currently, most hospitals use software that’s location-specific, but Arterys’ software is web-based. As a result, our physicians and nurses benefit from the vast amounts of computation needed to run AI algorithms in a timely manner. With Arterys, Northwell employees don’t have to adjust their workflow around this new technology – instead, they can now process their patient’s cases with support for AI algorithms that are embedded in their workflow!
It’s a challenging task to integrate AI into a health system while keeping our information protected and we’ve been able to rise to that challenge with Arterys. Though the cloud system is web-based, Arterys protects patient information by utilizing proprietary technology and complies with data privacy regulations in the U.S. and EU. With confidence in this protection, the Arterys cloud platform supports multiple imaging methods, such as MRI and CT. This partnership will bring state-of-the-art technologies to tertiary providers within Northwell Health to help physicians collaborate with remote experts.
Our partnership with Arterys has given our physicians more time and resources to do their job better. In the words of Thomas Thornton, Senior Vice President of Northwell Health Ventures, “We were impressed with the Arterys approach, fusing the latest cloud and artificial intelligence technologies with a true user-centric design methodology. This results in augmented workflows with increased efficiency and consistency, while the radiologist remains in charge of the final clinical decision.”
Learn more about Northwell Ventures other initiatives here.
This post is part of a series focusing on the Truly Innovative concepts and technologies brought to life by Northwell Ventures. We invest in companies that will generate strategic returns- creating products that meet healthcare needs now and in the future. Northwell Ventures showcases our investment in unique and noteworthy innovations that will impact our work and the health of all.
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