Don’t miss these top questions to ask hiring managers in your next interview
We all know that moment an interviewer asks, “Do you have any questions for me?” It can be a tricky one! Asking the right questions can be tough, but it’s a necessary part of ensuring you learn about your prospective role and employer. The right question can earn you insight into the company culture, career growth opportunities, and position expectations.
And since our employees are our greatest hiring success stories, we asked them to share some of their best advice on what to ask hiring managers. With their help, we gathered the top questions you should ask in your next interview below!
1. What keeps you passionate about going to work every day?
Gerard Halfpenny, a registered nurse at Northwell suggests a question like this to help give you an idea about corporate culture, along with a sense of how long the interviewer has worked there and their passion for their work.
2. How is Northwell different from other places you’ve worked?
This question allows you to hear from hiring managers on their previous work experience and learn how they adapted to a new workplace. And more importantly, it also helps you find out what sets Northwell apart from the competition!
3. Could you tell me about an employee that you feel is a role model?
Evan Feuer, a program manager at Northwell, recommends the above question and expands on this thought by encouraging candidates to ask about what the hiring manager sees as going above and beyond in a job and what qualities successful employees have that leads to their success.
4. What are your team’s goals?
Asking this question allows you to see what a team’s upcoming goals and initiatives are to align your talents. Learning a team’s goals also helps you see how you can help accomplish their mission in your new role.
5. What motivates your employees to stay with your department?
This question from Denise Walker, a supervisor at Northwell, shines a light on an important aspect of culture. Hearing why employees choose to stay in the department allows you to discover what makes your department truly special.
6. Where is Northwell headed in the next five to ten years?
You know where you want to be in the next five to ten years. It should be more about your career goals and ambitions aligning with the company’s. This question delivers insight to where the overall organization is going and where your goals align.
7. What are three adjectives you would use to describe the workplace atmosphere on a given day?
Kathleen Jaeger Phillips, an RN at Northwell, suggests this question to give hiring managers a question with a structure for their answers that can yield telling, helpful, and fun results. Additionally, it gives you an insight on what an average day in your future workplace might be like!
9. What are some ways I can help improve this department in my new role?
Tanya Fontes, MBA and admin manager at Northwell knows that not every day at work is going to be easy, breezy. This question allows you to see how you can impact positive change for the specific department and gives insight into how the department overcomes every-day challenges.
10. How do you measure success for your team?
Asking a question like this gives you an idea of a team’s goals and how you can best achieve them as a member of the department. Knowing how your team is looking to meet their goals helps ensure you best know how to set yourself up for success.
11. As a candidate, how can I incorporate my previous experiences to promote creativity, growth, and teamwork in the position I am interviewing for?
The specificity of this question from Julia Suklevski, MSW social worker at Northwell, is fantastic! To answer it, hiring managers must assess your experiences and imagine how you will succeed. It’s exactly what you want: hiring managers imagining you in the role!
12. If there was one thing you wish the person who filled this role knew, what is it?
This question can help you clarify what the most important thing you’ll need to know in this position. Now, you can emphasize how your experience and personality are a perfect fit.
13. Are there are any mentorship opportunities available within the department?
Shawna Vernisie, creative arts therapist, loves this question because she knows that “it’s great to have someone that’s experienced in your potential department to mentor a new employee!” Making sure there are opportunities to learn in your new role helps ensure you’ll continue to grow your own skills.
14. Are there growth opportunities to continue my career within the organization?
This question will help you figure out how you can continue to progress your career. Finding out what educational opportunities are available to you will help you see where your career can continue to develop. It’s also a good way to discover how your skills can be refined in your new position.
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