How to land the right internship that will drive you to a great career destination.
You’re nearing the completion of your college degree and looking to complement your education with some real-world experience. An internship in your chosen field is one of the best ways to do just that. Here are some important steps you can follow if you want to find and take advantage of the unique opportunities internships provide.
Find the right match.
It’s more than just finding an internship in your chosen line of work. You want to get the most out of this opportunity. Make sure the goals of the internship align with your personal career objectives. director of hospital operations at Southside Hospital, Brieanna Desidario advises, “A key consideration is how this will set you up for future opportunities. Does the program emphasize networking and relationship building? Will this experience help make the transition from student to professional smoother?”
Get noticed.
It all starts with your resume. Make sure it’s formatted, visually appealing and grammatically correct. You want to make sure it’s as compelling and impressive as you are! Highlight your accomplishments with real examples. And try to keep to one page. Ryon Andersen, associate executive director of hospital administration at North Shore University Hospital says, “Remember it is an advertisement of who you are, your abilities and accomplishments. Content is important, however, readability is just as crucial.”
Make a great first impression.
If your resume results in an interview, remember to treat this as an interview for a long-term job. Do your research and learn all you can about the organization, its culture, and the internship. Then get ready to show who you are and let your personality shine through. Christopher O’Brien, senior director of finance and operations management at LIJ Valley Stream actually tells candidates, “Nerves are good. They mean you care and companies want people that care. People who push through nerves with enthusiasm are the ones that leaders want to invest in the most.”
Make the most of the experience.
You got the internship. Now make it work for you. Get to know as many people as you can, even outside of your specific department, and start building that professional network. Asking important and relevant questions is also a great way to get off on the right foot. Yash Patel, senior associate, of financial and operations management at Lenox Hill Hospital, reminds candidates that, “Even the greatest minds, bosses and employers continuously ask questions to spark conversation and to learn.”
There are many outstanding internships available in a wide range of professional disciplines. If you’re focused on a career in the healthcare field and looking for an exceptional internship option to get you off to a great start, take a look at Northwell Health’s Healthcare Management Program.
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