3 Ways to Tackle the New Year
Ah, the fresh start to the New Year filled with hope and new beginnings. We all wake up the day after the ball drops and there is a new sense of determination and promise for the future. Here are our top 3 tips to keep your spirits high and your ambitions in sight so you can make the best of 2017, even if those post-New Year’s Eve feelings begin to fade away over time.
1. Get organized – Ok, we know this is on everyone’s to do list, but how many of you can actually cross it off? Take the time to prioritize the most important things in your life, professionally and personally, and then create realistic goals on how you want to accomplish them. If you don’t break down a goal into steps it may seem overwhelming and you may “save it for tomorrow” until the year runs out and it’s still on your to do list. Taking a few minutes every day to create a list of things you want to accomplish for the day will keep you in order, less stressed, and you may even find more time in the day to do something you enjoy!
2. Be mindful – Did you know that sitting for 5 minutes a day to reflect can help you physically, mentally and emotionally? Sometimes life takes us by storm and it’s easy to get wrapped up in the day to day antics – but as you are crossing off things on your to do list, don’t forget to take care of yourself. The only way you will be able to perform the best at your job, while also enjoying each day, is if you address your needs. Don’t forget to get the support you need in order to be successful!
3. Celebrate your wins – Big or small, if you accomplish something – celebrate it! Sometimes we get in such a routine that we don’t acknowledge some of our accomplishments. Whether it’s coming up with a new workout routine and sticking to it, or nailing a big presentation in front of the executives at your job, give yourself a pat on the back. Sometimes we have to be our own biggest supporters to stay motivated, and that’s ok.
Throughout this year remember to be realistic and honest with yourself so you can tackle every goal you set your mind to. Never forget that you determine how your life unfolds and at any moment you can change the path you are on if you are determined to do so. Let’s make 2017 the best year yet!
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